Taking Possession of God’s Promises: Embracing Freedom and Purpose
Taking Possession of God’s Promises: Embracing Freedom and Purpose
My dear friends, it is a joy to come together again today and explore the profound topic of understanding and knowing our magnificent and all-powerful God. Get ready to dive deep into His character and promises; in doing so, we will unearth an incredible wellspring of power and strength from this intimate knowledge. Our foundation for this enlightening study is found in the encouraging words of Jeremiah 9:24 (ESV): “But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth.”
What a joy to know that our God desires us to boast in Him! He longs for us to boast not in our achievements or possessions but in our understanding and knowledge of Him. Can you imagine that? The Creator of the universe, the One who holds the stars in His hands, intimately wants to be known by you and me. The LORD practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. His love is unchanging, unwavering, and everlasting. His justice ensures wrongs are made right, and His righteousness shines forth with perfect moral character.
Today, my dear friends, we embark on a journey to transform our lives. As we deepen our understanding and knowledge of God, we will unlock incredible power and strength within us. No longer will we be tossed to and fro by the challenges and trials of life. When we genuinely grasp who our God is and comprehend His love, justice, and righteousness, we will stand firm, unshakable, and unwavering in the face of any adversity.
But how do we come to know this fantastic God personally? It begins with a desire to seek Him, to spend time in His presence, and to open our hearts to His voice. It involves immersing ourselves in His Word, for in the pages of the Bible, we discover His nature, character, and promises. Don’t just settle for head knowledge, my friends; strive for a deep, intimate relationship with the One who knows you better than you know yourself.
As we journey together, let us remember that understanding and knowing God is not a destination but a continual pursuit. It is a lifelong adventure of discovering His love, grace, and plans for our lives. So, buckle up and get ready for an incredible ride! Open your hearts and minds, and let the transformational power of God’s Word saturate every fiber of your being.
Understanding Who God Is
Beloved, get ready to experience the extraordinary as we journey together into the depths of God’s character and promises. It’s time to embrace the power and strength of knowing our Almighty God. Stay tuned for the fantastic revelations that await us in the coming weeks.
Allow me to tell you about a young man named David. David had heard stories about God from his parents and deeply longed to understand who this God was. He had questions swirling in his mind – What is God like? How does He operate? What does His love, justice, and righteousness mean?
One day, as David sat under the shade of a great oak tree, he opened his tattered Bible to the book of Psalms. His eyes fell upon Psalm 46:10, and the words seemed to leap off the page and into his heart. It said, “Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
As David pondered these words, he realized that he had been striving and struggling to make sense of life on his own. But this verse reminded him that he didn’t have to bear the world’s weight. God, the Almighty, was in control. It was time for David to release his worries, fears, and doubts and honestly know God is God.
Moved by this revelation, David continued his quest to understand God. He turned to the book of Proverbs and found a treasure trove of wisdom there. Proverbs 9:10 spoke directly to his searching heart. It said, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
David realized that fearing the Lord didn’t mean being afraid of Him but having a deep reverence and awe for His majesty and greatness. It was about recognizing that God held the key to true wisdom and understanding. As David sought to know the Holy One, he knew he would better understand who God is and how He operates in the world.
With newfound determination, David set out on a journey of seeking God’s face. He spent hours in prayer, pouring out his heart and listening for God’s still, small voice. He immersed himself in the Scriptures, devouring every word and seeking to understand the depths of God’s love, justice, and righteousness.
As David continued to seek, he discovered that God’s love was unlike any other. It was steadfast, unwavering, and unconditional. No matter his mistakes or how far he had strayed, God’s love was always there, ready to embrace him with open arms.
David also learned that God’s justice was perfect and righteous. He saw how God made the wrongs right, brought justice to the oppressed, and stood up for the weak and the marginalized. It filled him with hope and reassurance, knowing that God would always fight for what is right.
Furthermore, David marveled at God’s righteousness. He understood that God’s moral character was flawless and desired His people to walk in righteousness. It became David’s heart’s desire to align his life with God’s righteousness, to live a life that reflected the goodness and holiness of his Heavenly Father.
As David’s understanding of God deepened, his life began to transform. He found peace amid chaos, strength in adversity, and joy that surpassed all circumstances. The more he knew God, the more he realized that God’s love, justice, and righteousness were not just abstract concepts but powerful forces that could shape his life and the world around him.
My friends, just like David, each one of us has the opportunity to embark on this incredible journey of understanding who God is. As we open our hearts to His truth and seek His face with a genuine hunger, we will experience a transformation unlike anything we’ve ever known.
So, let us cease striving and know that He is God. We will find the answers we seek through His steadfast love, His perfect justice, and His unwavering righteousness. We will find the peace, the wisdom, and the understanding our hearts long for.
May you be filled with a hunger to know God more intimately, and may your journey of understanding His character and promises be a source of abundant blessings in your life. Remember, my friends, God is waiting to reveal Himself to you in ways you never thought possible. Open your heart, open your mind, and let the adventure begin!
Knowing God Personally
My dear friends, as we continue our journey of understanding our loving God, let us now explore the beautiful concept of knowing Him personally. It’s not enough to acquire knowledge about God; we must strive to develop a deep and intimate relationship with Him. In this sacred space of connection, we indeed come to know His heart and experience the transformative power of His presence.
In the pages of the Bible, we find two powerful verses that inspire us to know God personally. The first verse is found in the Gospel of John, chapter 17, verse 3 (NASB). Jesus, in His prayer to the Father, reveals the essence of eternal life. He says, “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”
Just pause for a moment and let that sink in. Eternal life is not just about a destination or a future hope; it is about knowing the one true God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is about entering into a deep, personal relationship with the Creator of the universe. It is about experiencing His love, grace, and power in our lives here and now.
The second verse that encourages us to know God personally comes from Philippians, chapter 3, verse 10 (NKJV). In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul shares his heartfelt desire. He says, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”
Oh, what a profound statement! Paul longed to know God intimately, to experience the life-transforming power of His resurrection, and even to share in the fellowship of His sufferings. He understood that knowing God on this level would lead to a deeper conformity to His character and purpose.
My friends, these verses beckon us to embark on a personal journey of knowing God. It is an invitation to go beyond the surface and dive deep into His love, grace, and truth. But how do we go about knowing God on a personal level?
First and foremost, it begins with a genuine hunger and desire to know Him. It is about setting aside time each day to seek His face, commune with Him in prayer, and listen for His still, small voice. As we open our hearts and minds to Him, we create space for Him to reveal Himself to us in ways we never thought possible.
Secondly, knowing God personally involves immersing ourselves in His Word, the Bible. This precious book holds the key to understanding His character, promises, and will for our lives. As we study the Scriptures with an open heart, we see glimpses of His goodness, faithfulness, and unwavering love for us.
Lastly, knowing God personally is a journey that unfolds in the community context. It is about surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who can encourage, support, and challenge us in our pursuit of God. Together, we can share our experiences, learn from one another, and grow in our understanding of who God is.
My dear friends, remember that it is a process as you embark on this personal journey of knowing God. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to surrender to His leadership. But I assure you, the rewards are immeasurable. As you deepen your relationship with God, you will begin to experience His peace that surpasses all understanding, His joy that fills your heart to overflow, and His guidance that lights your path.
So, my friends, let us pursue a personal relationship with our loving Heavenly Father. Let us seek to know Him intimately, to experience the power of His resurrection, and to be conformed to His image. May your journey of knowing God personally be filled with moments of divine encounter, transformation, and deep, abiding love.
Remember, God is with you every step of the way, and I am here to support and encourage you on this incredible journey.
The Power of Knowing and Understanding God
My dear friends, let us now venture into the realm of His profound power. Knowing and understanding God have transformative effects on our lives. They provide us with strength, stability, and the ability to overcome any obstacles that come our way. So, let us meditate on these powerful verses that reveal the depth of His power:
The first verse that resonates with our hearts is found in the first epistle of John, chapter 4, verse 8 (NASB). It says, “The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” This verse reminds us that God’s very essence is love. When we truly know and understand Him, we are filled with His love, which empowers us to love others unconditionally. It enables us to extend grace, forgiveness, and kindness, even under challenging circumstances. Through knowing God intimately, we tap into the limitless reservoir of His love, which has the power to transform lives and heal broken hearts.
The next verse that speaks to our souls is in Jeremiah’s book, chapter 24, verse 7 (NKJV). The Lord declares, “Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.” These words overflow with a promise of restoration and deepening our relationship with God. When we seek to know Him, He meets us with open arms, giving us a heart that is receptive to His presence and purposes. This heart transformation leads to a powerful connection with our Heavenly Father, where we discover our true identity as His beloved children. With God as our God and us as His people, there is no limit to what He can do in and through us.
Lastly, we turn to the book of Hosea, chapter 6, verse 3 (NASB), which says, “So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn, And He will come to us like the rain like the spring rain watering the earth.” This verse encourages us to press forward in our pursuit of knowing God. It assures us that His presence in our lives is as sure as the dawn and as refreshing as the rain that nourishes the earth. We experience the outpouring of His blessings, guidance, and provision when we get to know Him. Just as the rain brings life to the dry ground, knowing God profoundly rejuvenates our souls and brings forth a harvest of fulfillment and purpose.
As you continue to know and understand God, remember that His power is at work within you. His love, His restoration, and His refreshing presence are yours to experience. Embrace the transformative power that comes from knowing Him intimately. Allow His love to overflow in your life, empowering you to make a difference in the lives of others. Let His restoration bring healing to your heart and relationships. And be refreshed by His presence, knowing His guidance will lead you to a life of fulfillment and purpose.
May you be encouraged today to press on in your pursuit of knowing God. He is eagerly waiting to reveal Himself to you in new and profound ways. Open your heart, press forward, and allow His power to transform every area of your life. You are loved, my friends. I pray with you as you continue this incredible journey of knowing and understanding our amazing God.
Taking Possession of God’s Promises
My dear friends, we come to a crucial point of taking possession of His promises. Armed with the knowledge and understanding of His character and promises, we are empowered to step into the fullness of what He has declared over our lives. Remember, my friends, the enemy has already been defeated, and it is time for us to claim the victory that is rightfully ours.
First and foremost, let us have the proper perspective when facing challenges. In this world, we may encounter trials, setbacks, and difficulties. Still, we must remember that we serve a God who has already overcome the world. We are not victims; we are victors in Christ Jesus. So, when challenges arise, let us not be discouraged or fearful but stand firm in the knowledge that our God is with us, fighting for us and working all things together for our good.
Beloved, it is time to move forward in faith. What are you believing for today? Is it healing in your body, restoration in your relationships, breakthrough in your finances, or victory over personal struggles? Whatever it may be, know that God is able and willing to meet you right where you are. Take a bold step of faith and believe His promises are true. Trust that He is working behind the scenes, aligning circumstances, and orchestrating divine connections to fulfill His promises in your life.
Now is the time to speak words of faith over your situation, as we proclaim on the home page. Proclaim God’s promises with boldness and authority. Declare His healing power over your body. Speak His provision and abundance into your financial circumstances. Declare victory over every struggle and stronghold in your life. Remember, your words have power, and as you align them with the truth of God’s Word, you will see mountains move and chains break.
Beloved, stir up the spiritual gifts that God has placed within you. You are uniquely equipped with gifts and talents to bring glory to His name and make a difference. Do not hide your gifts or doubt their significance. Instead, step out in faith and use them to impact the lives of others. As you do, you will see God’s favor and blessings flow abundantly in your life.
Lastly, let us pray boldly. Our God is a God of unlimited power and resources. Our circumstances or our human understanding does not limit him. So, dare to ask Him for the impossible. Have the audacity to dream big and believe that He is more than able to exceed your expectations. Pray confidently, knowing He hears your prayers and delights in answering them according to His perfect will.
My dear friends, remember that it is not a passive endeavor as we take possession of God’s promises. It requires active participation, unwavering faith, and a heart fully surrendered to His will. But take heart, for God is with you every step of the way. He has already paved the path of victory and invites you to walk boldly upon it.
So, my friends, go forth confidently, knowing you are not alone. Embrace the promises of God, for they are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. Take hold of His love, healing, provision, and victory. Step into the abundant life that He has prepared for you.
May you be filled with courage and faith as you take possession of God’s promises. May you see His power and goodness manifest in every area of your life. May you be a living testimony of His love and faithfulness.
My dear brothers and sisters, as we bring this sermon to a close, let us take a moment to reflect on the beautiful truth that knowing and understanding God is a lifelong journey. It is not a destination we arrive at but a continuous pursuit that requires time, effort, and devotion.
In our quest to know God intimately, we must prioritize spending time in prayer. Prayer is our direct line of communication with our Heavenly Father. Through prayer, we pour out our hearts, express our deepest longings, and seek His guidance and wisdom. So, my friends, let us make it a habit to set aside moments each day to commune with God, allowing Him to speak to us and reveal Himself in the stillness of our hearts.
Furthermore, studying God’s Word is vital in knowing and understanding Him. The Bible is not just a book of stories but a living, breathing testament of God’s love, promises, and character. As we immerse ourselves in the Scriptures, we discover the richness of His truth and the depth of His grace. So, let us prioritize studying His Word diligently, allowing its transformative power to shape our lives and guide our steps.
In our pursuit of knowing God, let us also seek His presence. There is something extraordinary about being in the presence of our Heavenly Father. We tangibly experience His love, peace, and joy in those moments of worship and stillness. So, my friends, let us create sacred space in our lives to seek His presence, whether it be through worship, meditation, or simply being still before Him. In His presence, we find the strength, the comfort, and the guidance we need for our journey.
As we continue on this lifelong journey of knowing and understanding God, may each one of us take possession of His promises. Hold onto His love, justice, and righteousness with unwavering faith. Let us embrace the truth that His promises are for us, and through them, we can live lives marked by His goodness and grace.
In all we do, remember to walk in love, justice, and righteousness. Let these qualities be the guiding principles that shape our actions, relationships, and interactions with others. As we reflect the character of our Heavenly Father, we become beacons of light in a world that is desperate for hope and love.
My dear friends, I encourage you to continue this journey with a heart full of expectancy and a spirit of perseverance. May each step you take bring you closer to the heart of God, and may His love, justice, and righteousness overflow into your life. Remember, you are never alone on this journey. Our loving Heavenly Father walks with you every step of the way, guiding and directing your path.
May God bless you abundantly as you continue to seek Him, know Him, and live a life that reflects His love and truth. Together, let us press on in our pursuit of learning and understanding our amazing God.
Let us Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you with grateful hearts, acknowledging our privilege to know and understand you. We thank you for our deepening relationship with you and the promises you have given us. As we continue this journey, we ask for your guidance and empowerment to fully take possession of these promises in our lives. Please help us to walk in faith and confidence, knowing that you are always with us and ready to lead us into the abundant life you have prepared for us. In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
If Feel Like Praying Again:
Dear Heavenly Father, we again come before you, humbled and grateful for our victory in your Son, Jesus Christ. We thank You for His sacrifice on the cross; You have defeated every force that has tried to hinder our purpose and hold us back. We rejoice in the freedom that we have found in Him.
Father, we declare today that we will not be moved by the challenges and obstacles that come our way. We choose to move forward in faith and confidence, knowing that you are leading us towards fulfilling the promises you have spoken over our lives. We refuse to be held captive by fear, doubt, or past failures. Instead, we embrace the truth that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.
Lord, we ask for your guidance and wisdom as we possess all you have promised us. Open our eyes to see the opportunities and blessings you have set before us. Please give us the courage to step out in faith, into the fullness of our purpose, and live lives that bring glory to your name.
In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray this prayer. Amen!
Have a great week!
Tags: faith, victory, purpose, promises of God, freedom, moving forward, overcoming obstacles, stepping into destiny, abundant life, divine guidance