A Generous Person Will Prosper
Hello, friends! I hope you’re having a blessed day today. I want to talk to you today about the power of generosity.
You see, in the Bible, we see countless examples of people who were generous with their time, their resources, and their love. One of my favorite stories of generosity is the story of the poor widow in the book of Mark.
Stories of Generosity
This woman was living in extreme poverty, with very little to call her own. But when she saw Jesus preaching in the temple, she was moved to give what little she had. She dropped two small coins into the offering box, and Jesus watched as she did it.
Now, these two coins may not seem like much to us, but to the poor widow, they represented a significant sacrifice. And yet, she gave them freely and with a joyful heart.
Jesus Saw Her Generosity
Jesus saw her generosity and commended her, saying, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
Friends, this story teaches us that it’s not about the amount we give, but about the attitude with which we give it. When we give generously, we are showing our trust in God and our willingness to be a blessing to others.
It Can Be Hard To Be Generous
Now, I know that sometimes it can be hard to be generous. It can be tempting to hold onto our time, our money, and our possessions, especially when we’re not sure where our next blessing is coming from. But I want to encourage you today to step out in faith and trust that God will provide for all of your needs.
When we’re generous, we’re not just blessing the person we’re giving to, we’re also blessing ourselves. You see, when we give of ourselves, it opens up the flow of blessings in our own lives. As the Bible says in Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
Open Your Hearts And Your Hands To Those In Need
So, I want to encourage you today to open your hearts and your hands to those in need. Be generous with your time, your resources, and your love. And watch as God blesses you and multiplies your blessings, just as he did for the poor widow.
It’s About Giving Sacrificially
Remember, friends, generosity is not just about giving what we can spare, it’s about giving sacrificially, with a joyful heart. Let’s strive to be like the poor widow, and see the blessings that come from living a life of generosity.
God bless.