Boldly Believing: Stepping into the Miraculous Unwavering Trust in God

Introduction: What Kind of Faith Are You Working With? Welcome, my dear friends, Brothers, and Sisters in Christ; it is with great joy and gratitude that I welcome you to today’s sermon. Today, I want to take us on a transformative journey of exploring the various types of faith and understanding their profound significance in our lives. Together, we will […]

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Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving and His Courts with Praise

Introduction: Good morning, beloved congregation! It is a joy to gather together today and delve into the Word of God. As we reflect on the power of thanksgiving and praise, let us open our hearts to receive His message. Understanding the Privilege of Relationship: Our God, the King of kings invites us into a personal relationship with Him. It is […]

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When Praises Goes Up Blessings Comes Down

Dear brothers and sisters, As we come together today to worship the Lord, I want to make this a little longer than usual, but not too long anyway so let’s get started. I want to speak to you today about the importance of praising and thanking God. In the book of Psalms, we are told to “Enter his gates with […]

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